Today was just another blessed day. I had made mess of my house rearranging furniture/rooms. It turned into a 3 day project. Today was day two. I'm glad to see this progressing but I'll be even happier when it's finished. My soon to be 10 year old helped me cook supper. She almost always does. She often tells me she wants to be a famous baker when she grows up. The combination of famous and a baker thrills her. Funny, she's very shy and can't hardly stand up in front of her intermediate family (I'm talking the one's she lives with). I love her!
While she was cooking, she noticed the sky outside the window so we stepped outside and took a picture or two.
Shortly after supper, my youngest pulled her first tooth. She cried that it was aggravating her and couldn't leave it alone until it was out. Then she cried that is felt weird once it was out. LOL I finally explained to her that the tooth fairy won't come to a kid that does nothing but cry. I was proud of her because she tried to dry up her tears and change her attitude. Of coarse, she cried at bedtime because she wanted the tooth fairy to come but has a strange fear of tooth fairies every since we read a cute book about fairies. I had to remind her that momma is the tooth fairy. She calmed down again. LOL
All in all it was a great day! I'm so blessed in so many ways!