It has been a great week! Julia and I went a head a celebrated her birthday early by spending a whole day together shopping and chatting it up. We did it early because she needs winter clothes NOW and because me and her were so excited, we couldn't take the wait anymore. We ended up with a new dress, 5 shirts, one pair of jeans, new boots and a pair of tennis shoes. That's a real treat around here. Kind of like hitting the lottery ;) We also went out to eat at any restaurant of her choice. I thought she would choose an expensive one like Red Lobster but she choose Chick-Fil-A. She was very concerned about the amount of money I was spending and insisted we eat reasonably. I kept telling her that I had been saving for this day for a long time so we could splurge. She said that made her feel more guilt. I did this with my older daughter when she turned 10 years old. On this special day there is one more item we picked up, training bras and deodorant. The oldest was humiliated about this part but Julia loved it. It was fun! We also had a little talk about the importance of keeping our bodies clean (especially as ladies with growing bodies), behaving lady like and about a few of the small changes she should expect. The BIG talk will come later but this one is definitely necessary. The whole day is a right of passage kind of day. That evening we finished our day up by meeting the rest of the family at the movies (she had the option to go with just me but she really wanted everyone). Lastly, with the money we saved on our lunch, we were able to go to Golden Corral's with everyone! I thought this day was a gift to my daughter but it really was a wonderful gift to me. I cannot express how much I enjoyed a day with her by myself. A day to treat her like the little princess that she is was priceless. It was a great Saturday!
Sunday was another great day! My step son Matt came over after church and we had steak, broccoli, and a baked potato for lunch. Yummy!!! Then we went and got a Christmas tree from Lowe's. The offered a free trim the tree service with your tree. We waited for a while and no one came. The family in front of us picked up the chainsaw laying around and did their own so we did the same when they were done. We got caught right as we were finishing up. It really was funny. The boy was so upset when we told him we just followed suit to the other family. We had waited for help for about 15 minutes and were pretty convinced that it might be a self serve service.
Our tree is beautiful!!! I love it. We are doing a candy theme this year. We'll be adding some homemade touches to it so it's not completely finished. I love it already though! I must say, I'm doing the Christmas thing but I'm not necessarily in the Christmas mood. It's not that I don't love Christmas because I LOVE Christmas! It just came soo fast! I wasn't ready yet. I wasn't prepared! Oh well, it's here so I'm jumping in and going with it. We listened to Christmas music while decorating every nook and corner of the house until it was almost claustrophobic but still yet homey and full of love. The men mostly sat around the table chatting. It was really nice and I made sure they knew that I loved that! To hear the men chatting it up while we ladies went around debating the final destination for every nick knack, well, it was nice. Kinda like when you first come in from the cold and the house is warm, the feeling that initially hits you is more than just physically warmth. It's as if your house is greeting you saying welcome home and you feel at HOME. It's great!!!
Monday, me and the hubby took two cat naps on the couch together. We just enjoyed the slower pace of the day after days of going until the past your bedtime hours of the night. :) We weren't even tired Monday. We were just so comfortable and relaxed. I love my husband! Today, we'll be decorating the yard and starting our Jesse tree and or Advent devotions. Jesus is the reason for the season so we must start making our days about Him and less about the other stuff!
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