Friday, December 2, 2011

It's the little things that really are the big things

Today was nice.  I'm trying to work through my lazy moments. You know, pick up my cross daily and follow Him.  Laziness has been a recent conviction that God gently exposed to me.  I'm thankful for His gentle convictions and I pray that it never take anything more than a gentle word to convict me.  The problem this week has been trying to overcome my laziness while being genuinly tired.  I've gotten in bed before 11pm every night and still taken a nap everyday.  I really want to teach my children good work ethics.  Work is hard.  Anything less wouldn't be work.  I need to teach them that working hard isn't napping daily just because we are home and can.  At the same time, I heard a great piece of advice about napping. The advice suggested that if you are so tired that you can't work your best, go ahead and take your nap and get back to work, doing your best.  Now I'm working on finding the balance between the good advice and work being hard bit. 
The day started with us being excited about seeing the results of a great hair curling tip we tried in Sabrina's hair.  I love finding practical hair styles for me and my girls.  We have so much fun!  A house full of girls is always fun (okay, sometimes it can be a bit emotional).

The day continued to go well.  Julia finished school super early!!!  She's as quick and witty as any one when it comes to learning things on paper.  Also, she's pretty quick with her sassy mouth.  She actually amuses me.  I'll never admit to that though!  She made a neat little thing.  She said it was a jungle so all the dolls were sleeping on "bricks" for safety.  The tall and narrow blocks are trees.  I love seeing their creative sparks come out when they are playing. 

Lacey always makes me feel great.  She's been telling me how much she wants to learn to read so she can be like me and read her Bible just like me.  So sweet!  So touching!  She makes me want to read my Bible more!  She's so happy!  Of coarse she has her moment also known has melt downs.  I've called them melt downs so much that some times when she can't stop crying she says "I'm having a melt down".  LOL  She can say all of her alphabet in order and she can find any letter if you show her a chart (she follows each letter as she sings the alphabet song until she gets to the one she wants).  She knows some letters by site and sound.  She's so smart.  She can already spell some words.  She even wrote her first words today.  That's right!  She sounded them out and wrote each letter, one by one.  I was so proud.  Her first written word ever, DAD!  What a great first word!  She looked at me tonight and said "I really like you".  She's always saying the sweetest things.  Not just to me but everyone!  She'll hug us and say "Your so cute".  All sorts of encouraging words! 

It really is the littlest things that are huge!  These little moments bless me daily.  They are my earthly reasons for living, for smiling, for the joy in my heart.  Make no mistake, God gives me many reasons to live, smile, and have joy in my heart BUT these earthly gifts, these moments, give me reasons to cherish the gifts and time on this earth.  The little moments that I'm given here keep me feeling so deprived from my eternal life with our Heavenly Father in His Kingdom.  You know?

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