Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Resolutions

I have a lot of resolutions for 2012.  I love resolutions, goals, list and any other form of planning!  I don't even mind not succeeding at all of them.  I just love trying!  The way I see it, if I try I can only do better than the year before, even if I don't mark it off. 

Three of my resolutions are going to be really fun!  I can't go wrong with them. 

Love every one regardless of their response to me, love abundantly, love unselfishly, love in a way that points people to God
Be gentler....I want my voice, my demeanour and my expressions to be gentle so that I may represent Christ better
Make my home a haven for my husband and kids...I want the sounds, the smells and the scenery to be inviting and first 2 resolutions will help with this one also ;)  This ministry is my primary calling and it comes above all outside of my home

I decided to start my 2012 goals by offering my husband a gift.  A simple gift.  This gift touched him more than any material item we exchanged for Christmas.

A vow from me to him.

Excuse the poor handwriting and spelling.  This letter was written on a whelm.  The vows were thought out carefully but the letter was unexpected.  I finished it up with a little spray from my favorite perfume (like I do all my letters). 

I figured what better way to begin accomplishing my goals than to put them in writing! 

My other goals include:
Eat healthier
Exercise and be more active
Be a harder worker...less laziness
Pray more for my children's future
Pray that my husband gets a need that ONLY God can fill
Memorize one verse per month
Be bolder when Christ calls me to it

My verse of the year remains the same as last year; 2 Corinthians 12: 9-12.  I'm still working on mastering the concept that Christ IS my strength when I'm weak and that I just need to LEAN COMPLETELY on Him. 

Dear Lord,
Help me to reach all of these goals.  Help me to attain the fruit of the spirit, self control, so that I may reach all of these goals.  Lord, the goals accomplished will do nothing for me unless they be used to serve YOU. I pray that I serve You this year like never before!!!
In Jesus' name,

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